Car insurance is a necessity in keeping you financially protected while driving on the road. Taking the time to find the best auto insurance available is important, whether you only have basic liability insurance or full coverage. Reaching out to an insurance brokerage in Orange City, FL, is always a great option in helping you find auto insurance that best meets your needs and budget.
Here are a few tips to remember in helping you lower your car insurance.
1. Shop Around
Always shopping around for the best car insurance is essential in finding the best deal. Using an insurance brokerage is a great way to save yourself a lot of time while giving you the flexibility to choose from a variety of auto insurance providers. Using a broker to obtain quotes from different insurance providers every year or two is an excellent way to stay proactive in helping you get the best deal to meet your needs.
2. Increase Your Deductible
Increasing your deductible is another simple way you can lower your auto insurance. A deductible is the amount of money you will owe before an insurance provider pays the remaining amount, whether it’s due to an accident, theft, or damage to your vehicle. Most deductibles on a policy range anywhere between $250 to $1,000. Reaching out to an insurance broker is always a good idea to determine if you would benefit from raising your deductible.
3. Use Multi-Car Discounts
Sometimes you will pay a higher amount on auto insurance for one vehicle, as many companies offer a bulk rate for insuring multiple vehicles or drivers. Typically, multiple drivers on the same policy will need to live at the same residence or at least be related to each other. An insurance broker can obtain several quotes from different insurance providers to determine the most affordable policies for multi-vehicles.
4. Eliminate Unnecessary Coverage
Always taking the time to review your insurance policy is important in keeping costs to a minimum. For example, you may not need car rental coverage or roadside assistance, as removing these coverages can lower your insurance. You may also even want to drop comprehensive or collision coverage if you are driving an older vehicle. The insurance provider will most likely total the car for $1,000, as paying collision coverage for $500 each year isn’t a wise financial decision.
5. Stay Safe on the Road
Always paying attention to the road is critical for being a safe driver and avoiding accidents. Unfortunately, many people are often distracted while driving, whether it’s talking on a cell phone, sending text messages, or changing the radio. All of these different distractions greatly increases the chance of an accident, which will most likely cause your insurance to become more expensive. On the other hand, a safe driving record can often lead to various discounts.
6. Improve Credit Rating
Many insurance companies will also check out your credit rating before determining your insurance premium. Insurers often do this because they believe that you are less likely to file a claim if you are responsible for managing your finances. A few of the best ways to improve your credit score include paying your bills on time, disputing any credit report errors, and making frequent payments to lower your credit card balance.
7. Take a Defensive Driving Class
Completing a defensive driving course doesn’t only help you become a better driver, but it can also lower your insurance premium. It’s always a good idea to reach out to an insurance company to ask about a discount before taking a defensive driving class in Orange City, FL. Making sure the course is accredited is important to ensure it qualifies you for a discount.
8. Look for Additional Discounts
Checking for additional discounts is always a good idea in helping you lower your car insurance. Some insurers will offer a discount if you pay the entire premium at one time or if you agree to go paperless. Joining various groups and organizations can also help you receive a discount on your auto coverage. An insurance broker can help you compare all of the available discounts from multiple providers to determine the best choice for your situation.
9. Use the Same Insurer for Home and Auto Coverage
Combining your home and auto insurance with the same provider will often make it possible to receive a discount on your coverage. Each insurance provider is different, as working with a broker is a great way to understand all of your options while saving yourself a lot of time and energy.
10. Look for Low Mileage Discounts
An often overlooked way to reduce your car insurance is to ask for a low mileage discount. Some insurance providers will give discounts for motorists that drive a lower than normal amount of miles each year. Telematics programs make it possible to monitor the number of miles you drive in your car. Drivers that carpool to work may also be eligible for low mileage discounts.
Contact Wellcovered Insurance to Learn More About Car Insurance
Wellcovered Insurance is a brokerage that works with numerous insurance carriers to make it possible for you to find the best coverage at an affordable price. We take pride in always being solution-seeking and friendly to ensure our customers receive the best services available.
Wellcovered Insurance is one of the top-rated agencies working with customers throughout Orange City, FL. Our team can give you a car insurance quote in 15 minutes, and our local offices in Volusia and Seminole Counties make it easy for you to stop by at any time for an in-person visit.
We also stay active within the local community, as we are a member of the West Volusia Regional Chamber of Commerce and the DeLand Breakfast Rotary. Our insurance team is also happy to answer any of your questions to help you find the best auto insurance available.
Feel free to reach out to Wellcovered Insurance today to learn more about car insurance!