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Month: January 2017

How Retail Businesses can Thrive after the Holidays

How Retail Businesses can Thrive after the Holidays Picture

The holiday season is over. For many retailers, the question of how they can thrive after the holidays starts to arise. During a business upswing, retailers don’t have to work too hard to make a profit. But when it slows down, what was believed to be “hard work” no longer does the job. So what […]

Checking for Carbon Monoxide at Home

Checking for Carbon Monoxide at Home Picture

When inhaled in large amounts, carbon monoxide can result in death. Carbon monoxide is difficult to detect using our senses – you can’t see or smell it. Thus, it can infiltrate your home without your knowledge until symptoms show. The longer you are exposed to this poisonous gas, the more severe your symptoms can become. […]

The “Must-Have” Tools for Repairing your Car at Home

The “Must-Have” Tools for Repairing your Car at Home Picture

There are different types of repairs you can do to each system in your car. They even have different maintenance tasks to ensure that they’re running at peak condition. When you sum it all up, car repair and maintenance can be daunting to a non-professional mechanic. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t do minor repairs […]